5 Benefits Of Keeping Your School Clean
5 Benefits Of Keeping Your School Clean
Did you know that school cleanliness can contribute to the success of staff and students? If you want to increase student productivity, keep students and staff healthy, and create favourable habits, you should clean everything from classrooms and corridors to canteens!

Why is it important to keep a school clean?
A Better Learning Experience
The environment that you study in has an impact on how much you learn. There’s no surprise that cleaner schools often outperform dirtier schools. There is a correlation between high achievers and a cleaner learning environment. This can mean that schools that do not have a high standard of cleanliness find that their students perform lower on average.
Healthier Teachers
A teacher interacts with a large number of students each day. With schools having such a high volume of people within the premises, there’s always a risk of colds, flu and other contagious spreading. Ensuring that all the classrooms, handles and other touchpoints are kept clean can reduce the risk of spreading germs, which reduces the risk of your teachers catching an illness.
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– Benefits of Using Commercial Cleaners for Your School
– Tips for Maintaining a Clean and Healthy School Environment
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Fewer Student Sick Days
Similar to the previous point, students are also at risk of catching illnesses. When students are ill, attendance will drop and hinder their learning. For students to be able to reduce their sick days, making sure they are in a clean environment is essential, as this will increase their involvement in classes and help limit illnesses.
Encourages Good Habits
Young students tend to learn by example, so working in a clean environment will have a positive impact on them. It will encourage them to work and live in a clean environment. Students may struggle to concentrate if exposed to messy and dirty environments. Focusing on the organisation of their surroundings and desks will create a good habit for students not used to cleanliness at home.
Having a clean school will also have a positive impact on your reputation. Staying on top of all areas makes visiting a more pleasant experience for everyone.
School Summer Cleaning Guide
Equipment Longevity
Lastly, keeping on top of cleaning can increase the lifespan of your equipment. This includes tables, stationery, and books, as these are used daily. Maintaining and cleaning equipment will save money on the costs of buying replacements!
These are just five reasons why you should consider hiring a professional cleaning service to improve your school environment. If you have any questions or queries on improving your cleaning, don’t hesitate to contact us now!