Amazing baking soda cleaning tips….
Amazing baking soda cleaning tips…
Fed up of using expensive cleaning products and not being fully satisfied with the results? Well look no further just grab the baking soda out of the back of your kitchen cupboard and clean your household for free.
Here are our tips for cleaning with baking soda:
1.Smelly shoes by the front door?

Are you sick of walking through your front door and being welcomed by mouldy trainers and smelly kid’s shoes? Simple solution! Just sprinkle baking soda into each of the shoes then just tap out when you are ready to wear them. This will then eliminate any bad smells and you will be welcomed by a fresh smelling house after a hard day at work.
2.Kid’s doodles on the paint work?
We have all had that panic when we turn our back for just one second then turn back and the kids have drawn all up the beautiful white painted walls. No need to stress, just grab a wet sponge sprinkled in baking soda and lightly scrub the artwork off your walls. You will be left with doodle free white sparkling walls.
3.Pet smells?
We all love our furry pets dearly but sometimes they can smell pretty bad! Don’t worry baking soda can quickly remove these smells. Simply sprinkle baking soda onto the soft areas of the house in which your pet likes to explore such as the sofa or a dog bed. Then after 15mins vacuum up the baking soda and any hairs off these surfaces. You will then notice your house is smelling much cleaner and fresh.
4.Blocked Drains?
Noticing the water in your sinks draining slowly? No need to go and buy expensive products to unblock the drain just simply use baking soda. To unblock your drains just place half a cup of baking soda followed by half a cup of vinegar down the plug. Then cover with a wet cloth and let the magic happen. Leave for a while then run the tap and watch your water drain freely.
5.Musty bedding?
Annoyed when you get clean bedding out of the cupboards and notice a musty smell even though you have washed the sheets? Well baking soda can solve this problem. Place a tub of baking soda into the cupboard in which you keep your clean bedding. This will then stop any musty smells generating over time between changes helping to maintain the freshness of your sheets.
6.Want a sparkling toilet?
No need to buy branded toilet cleaner, you can use baking soda to get this one shinning. Just add half a cub of baking soda into a bowl then with a wet sponge scrub your toilet clean. You will certainly notice the difference in quality over branded toilet cleaners.
7.Smelly fridge?
Embarrassed opening the fridge door because of the awful smells that escape? Well just like with the musty bedding you can place a tub of baking soda into the fridge which will capture all those unhealthy food smells. This means that when you open the fridge door you will not be faced with a cloud of awful smells but can happily grab what you need out of the fridge.
Need any more cleaning tips or looking for help with your cleaning? Well, we are definitely happy to help! We serve the surrounding areas of Swansea, Carmarthen, Neath, Port Talbot, Bridgend, Llanelli, Merthyr Tydfil and Pembrokeshire. Our clients demand a range of cleaning from office cleaning to sport centre deep cleans. If you wish to utilise our services or simply need cleaning advice then contact us today by calling 01792 32 32 38 or fill in the enquiry form below and we will get back to your request asap.