Office Cleaning Habits

According to a survey conduced by Kimberly Clark Professional 40% of office workers have used another part of their body to exit the toilets at work to avoid getting any germs from their work colleagues on their hands.

The findings were conducted amoungst 303 office workers across England which revealed that from that 40% of work colleagues that admitted using a different part of their body to open the door, 57%used their elbow, whereas a finger or a foot came in at second place at 29%. Other methods were bottoms, shoulders and knees.

These findings highlight how office workers believe that their work colleagues don’t wash their hands after using the toilet. 56% of respondents demonstrated that they were worried this was the case and a massive 72% believed that their colleagues didn’t wash their hands routinely at work.

Suzanne from Kimberley Clark Professional who conducted the research stated “Our research shows the presence of germs in the workplace is a significant concern for office workers.”

There are a number of ways that an office environment can be protected from harmful germs and bacteria. In our previous article: ‘Where are the hidden germs in your office’It highlights where the germ hotspots are, and surprisingly it is a misconception that the toilets are the dirtiest place. Meeting rooms and break rooms are germs favourite places to hide. By placing hand sanitising equipment in these areas will limit the chance of germs spreading throughout your office environment.

A clean hygienic washroom with full dispensers is a minimum expectation. As many as 73% of people within the business believe that a bad toilet area indicates poor overall management.

Source – Tomorrows Cleaning Magazine

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